On the 17th and 19th of October 2023, Ofsted inspected our school.
The latest inspection report can be found here.
Church School Report (SIAMS)
Church schools are subject to an additional statutory inspection as part of the OFSTED framework (Section 48 of the Education Act).
Our latest school inspection report dates from February 2017. Charlesworth School was praised for being a ‘good church school, where the school ethos and treatment of every child as an individual and the quality of relationships demonstrate that the life and work of the school is firmly rooted in Christian values.’
These values are evident in the outstanding relationships fostered within the school community and promote the children’s personal development. Our children were praised for being well behaved, articulate and caring.
Here is a copy of our latest SIAMS Report.
Please click here to download the letter Charlesworth School received from Derby Diocese praising the staff, pupils and governors.