Introduction to Safeguarding:
Designated Safeguarding Leads
Miss Kathryn Barton (Designated Safeguarding Lead)
Mr Philip Whiston (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)
Other important documents:
Working Together to Safeguard Children (February 2019 update) which is statutory guidance to be read and followed by all those providing services for children and families, including those in education.
Keeping Children Safe in Education: Information for all School and College Staff (Jan 2021 update) which is the statutory guidance for Schools and Colleges.
What to Do if Worried a child is being Abused: Advice for Practitioners (March 2015)
Furthermore, we will follow the procedures set out by the Derbyshire Safeguarding Children’s Board - link
In accordance with the above procedures, the School carries out an annual audit of its Safeguarding provision (S175 Safeguarding Audit, which is a requirement of the Education Act 2002 & 2006) a copy of which is sent to the Local Authority Safeguarding Team.
You can read a copy here: S175 Safeguarding Audit.